Elementary STEM Teacher

Why be an Elementary STEM Teacher

“One of the most rewarding parts of my job is seeing the future of our world through the eyes of 8 and 9 year olds. They are learning to be global thinkers, creators, critical thinkers and compassionate human beings.  It's amazing and inspiring to witness by children who are so young.” - Amy Roselli, 3rd Grade Teacher, Happy Valley Elementary

Read more quotes from local teachers

How much does a teacher earn?

What about student loan forgiveness?

Why teach STEM at the El Ed level?

Elementary teachers are typically responsible for teaching not only science, but also mathematics, reading/language arts, and other academic subjects to one group of students. While 77% of elementary teachers report being very well-prepared to teach Reading/Language Arts1, only 31% report being very well-prepared to teach science! Given the elementary years are a critical period for young learners to develop positive attitudes toward and interest in science, there is a great need for well-prepared STEM teachers in the elementary grades!

Understanding the Elementary Education Puzzle

The path to becoming an Elementary teacher can seem confusing at first.  So here we try to put the pieces together to help you understand the process.

A puzzle with pieces making up the Elementary Education Major: El Ed Prereqs, GURs, El Ed Program, STEM El Ed Major

STEM El Ed Major

To become an elementary school teacher, you must complete a program-aligned major as well as completing the elementary education program.  Learn More about El Ed

EL Ed Prereqs

Elementary Education Program Prerequisites: English composition course (ENG 101, COMM 101, JOUR 106) with minimum grade of B-, SCED 201, MATH 112, LING 201...read more detail here.  

El Ed Program

Elementary Education Program - Learn more about Woodring's Elementary Education Program.

You will want all the course requirements from each section of the puzzle to overlap as much as possible. For example, you will want your GUR courses to also count toward your major if possible.

Elementary Education Timeline:

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Don't forget to Apply for a Scholarship

Spring is usually the time to apply for Scholarships!! 

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Apply to Woodring after you have GURs and major credits completed

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Complete pre-internship coursework and field experiences

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Complete internship

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Prepare your resume, cover letter, and references

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Graduate & Apply for Certification

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1Plumley, C. L. (2019). 2018 NSSME+: Status of elementary school science. Chapel Hill, NC: Horizon Research, Inc.