Elementary Education Major

Any major can be evaluated by Woodring to determine if it is considered program-aligned, but Woodring has already approved the following majors as program-aligned: Anthropology, Art, Environmental Studies, French, General Science (Elementary), General Science Middle Level, Geography, Geology (Earth Science), German, History, Language, Literacy, and Cultural Studies, Mathematics, Psychology (Human Development), Sociology, and Spanish. Four of these majors are considered STEM majors. Links to Western’s course catalogue pages of required courses for each of them are below:

  1. General Science - Elementary, BAE
  2. Earth Science - Elementary, BAE
  3. Mathematics - Elementary, BAE
  4. General Science- Middle Level, BAE

Course Checklists

These checklists are here as a guide to help you understand the coursework required for each major.  Use these to help you get started, but be sure to meet with an advisor as soon as possible:

  1. Earth Science- Elementary, BAE

  2. General Science- Elementary, BAE 

  3. Mathematics- Elementary, BAE 

  4. General Science- Middle Level, BAE


When Classes are Offered:

Not all classes are offered every quarter.  To help you plan out when you can expect to take certain classes here is a timetable of when certain STEM endorsement courses are offered.