
Black History Month

Resources for Teaching STEM Students:  visit here

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Elementary STEM Teaching Degrees

Majors for people who want to teach elementary and want to have a specialization in STEM

Middle Level STEM Teaching Degrees

Majors for people who want to teach middle level and want to have a specialization in STEM


We are an interdisciplinary Science Education Center striving towards the best in science teaching education. Our mission and values guide us to improving teaching and learning through the lens of equity, inclusion and STEM literacy for all.  

SMATE is open Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm

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News and Events

Dr. Hanxiang Du, jointly appointed in Computer Science and the SMATE program at Western Washington University, has made notable contributions to educational research with three recently accepted…

Dr. Hanxiang Du  headshot

SMATE faculty and staff, led by Dr. Dustin Van Orman, recently published A new study titled Supporting Elementary Preservice Teachers' Content Knowledge for Teaching About Matter and Its…

Research logo

BETTER in STEM is a multi-year, multi-cohort NSF-funded grant hosted at Western Washington University’s SMATE Program. The project focuses on improving STEM education by fostering more inclusive…

Principal Investigator, Dan Hanley Headshot