STEM Clubs & Organizations

NSTA Student Club members at Portland 2021 Convention with NSTA 2021 president

Why Join?

  • Demonstrate your professional commitment to STEM teaching on your resume
  • Expand your professional network and circle of supportive colleagues
  • Develop your repertoire of skills and ideas for teaching STEM
  • Build your toolbox of teaching resources and materials
  • Keep informed about news, issues, and opportunities related to STEM teaching

Professional Organizations for STEM Teachers

  • The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) is a professional organization that provides resources and holds conferences for science teachers. There are also student chapters, including one at Western that holds monthly meetings. For more information about Western’s student chapter, contact You can also go to the NSTA site to browse its resources.
  • The Washington Science Teachers Association (WSTA) is the state affiliate of NSTA and offers FREE membership for preservice and new teachers!

Interest-Specific Science Teaching Organizations

  • The Association for Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) is organized to stimulate and promote science teaching to students of culturally diverse backgrounds and to motivate such students to consider science-related careers; to explore and promote the improvement of science curriculum, educational systems and teaching methods in school to assist such stimulations; to recruit and involve teachers of all minorities in science education and to initiate and engage in activities and programs in furtherance of improving the science education of culturally diverse students.
  • The National Middle Level Science Teachers Association is a professional learning network for middle and junior high school science teachers who meet the unique developmental needs of students in grades 5–9.

WWU Clubs and Organizations