Past Symposia Archive

Dr. Slesnick working with student


The late Dr. Slesnick retired in 1996 after a 33-year career on Western's College of Sciences and Technology biology faculty. During his 33 years in the biology department, he profoundly impacted thousands of students and future science teachers. His vision and tireless advocacy for improving science education played a critical role in gaining approval for constructing the Science Education Building and influenced its unique design. Slesnick was instrumental in the establishment of the current SMATE program housed in the building that continues the work he started. The annual Irwin L. Slesnick STEM Education Symposium is a tribute to his memory.

2024 Presentations

Django Paris

Django Paris

Keynote: What is Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy and Why Does it Matter In STEM Education

Dr. Julia Aguirre

Workshop: Cultivating Joy, Justice and Innovation in K-20 STEM Education

2023 Presentations

2022 Presentations

Jessica Hernandez headshot


Keynote: Critical-Cultural Boundaries to Inclusive STEM Teaching 


Keynote: Beyond Western Science: Acknowledging Indigenous Science


Keynote: What Does Science Have to do With Race and Racism?  Curricular Approaches to Anti- Racist Science Teaching


2021 Presentation

2019 Presentations

2018 Presentations

2017 Presentations

2016 Presentations

2015 Presentations

Dr. Beattie presenting

Rachel Beattie

Keynote speaker

How Your Mindset Can Affect Your Success"


Growing Your Students Mindsets"   

Hanna Jordt

Eliminating the Achievement Gap"    

Mary Pat Wenderoth

The End of Lecture" 

Student Panel

Student Perspectives on Traditional vs Student Centered Learning"

2014 Presentations

Dr. Prather working with workshop participants

Edward Prather

Keynote speaker

Redefining the College Lecture: Facilitating Discussions in STEM Undergraduate Courses"


Facilitating Active Learning - From Fast Paced Formative Feedback to Group Problem Solving"

Catherine Halverson

Active Learning Pedagogies Increase Student Learning in a Large enrollment Biology Class"

Georgianne Connell & Deborah Donovan

How Do We Know Students Are Learning What We Think We Are Teaching?"