Inclusive Teaching Strategies
Once instructors have an understanding of the equity and inclusion research and have considered how their own experiences impact instructional decisions, Kimberly Tanner's article Structure Matters describes 21 instructional strategies to promote student engagement and create an equitable classroom.
provides instructions for reading Tanner's article with a group.
accompanying document to jigsaw instructions fro Tanner's article.
Norm Setting
In order to create a classroom environment where all students have a sense of belonging, setting and revisiting classroom and small group norms is an important strategy to use. Many faculty members who participated in C-Core used the structure below to set norms.
Norm building Activity:
Use a think – go around – discuss protocol in table groups to identify 2 or 3 community agreements you would like to have on our classroom list of norms or behaviors.
- What do you need from yourself, your co-participants, and facilitators in order to feel comfortable exploring and sharing your thinking about teaching and learning?
- THINK: Private, silent think time.
- GO AROUND: Each member of the group shares without interruption or discussion.
- DISCUSS: Discuss individual thoughts, clarify, and come to consensus.
Record community agreements on strips of chart paper provided. Discuss norms as whole group, record norms, revisit regularly.