C-Core Website
Change At The Core (C-Core)
Inclusive Student-Centered STEM Teaching and Learning Resources
Change at the Core (C-Core) was a National Science Foundation funded project including approximately 100 STEM faculty members from Western Washington University, Whatcom Community College, and Skagit Valley College from 2013 through 2018. Three cohorts of faculty members participated in professional development to improve teaching and learning in undergraduate STEM courses; increase the engagement and success of underrepresented minority students in STEM majors; and create an adaptive model for improving undergraduate STEM education.
Recent Paper about this Project
Resources that were useful for the professional development model have been collected here, grouped into three large categories that represent three components of the model. Professional development activities required a two year commitment by individual faculty members and included two to three academic year Saturday workshops and a week long summer institute.
Educational Research and Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies
Inclusive Instructional Strategies
Western Washington University College of Science and Engineering professors created an Equity and Inclusion workshop series that is offered regularly for faculty and staff. The series includes workshops in four conceptual areas: cultural awareness of self; experiences of others; critical conversations in the work place; and a call to action. The workshop series was developed while C-Core professional development workshops were being held. Instructors were encouraged to participate in the workshop series in order to better understand the research base for equity and inclusion and the importance of considering one's own identity (and potential biases) when planning one's courses.
The ideas and activities below are intended to complement the campus wide equity and inclusion resources.
Collaboration and Sustainability
Contact Information
Please contact us for more specific information about our professional development model or any other aspects of the C-Core project.
Edward Geary Edward.Geary@wwu.edu
Shannon Warren Shannon.Warren@wwu.edu