Jewish American Heritage

Jewish American Heritage Month

Resources for teaching STEM students

When is it?

The month of May

What is it?

Jewish American Heritage Month

Scientists/Role Models:





  • The journal, Jewish History, aims to extend the disciplinary boundaries of Jewish historical writing by encouraging scholars of anthropology, art, law, literature, and sociology to share their research
  • Scientific Journals under National Socialism explores the scientific journals of antisemitic groups
  • JOURNAL ARTICLE: Jewish Occupational Selection: Education, Restrictions, or Minorities?


  • Locate hundreds of scholarships for Jewish students on the Jewish Scholarship portal
  • Scholarships for women presents a list of scholarships for Jewish Women, some of which specialize for women looking for careers in STEM
  • Jewish Foundation for Education of Women provides a list of scholarship resources
  • Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund have a list of college scholarships. The Stephanie G. Hoffman Scholarship and Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation Scholarship is specific to STEM majors.


Leadership & Resources:
